Friday, August 18, 2006

Race season just about over

Well, it looks like my triathlon season is over. There's just the Vancouver one left, that's too soon for me, plus it starts at 7:00 in the morning. Which should be against some kind of official rule. Not much else happening. The only thing left on my agenda is to do the Abbotsford Police challenge 10K run on Sept 23, so now I should focus on my running more. Too bad, I would have liked to do another triathlon in October. There are probably a few running races yet if I wanted, but they are so boring in comparison!

I should make my own triathlon, the sawatzky fall classic...hmm, cultus lake, ummm, well I'll work on it.

Time to look back now...hard to believe I accomplished all my goals for this year. I competed in an Olympic triathlon. 5 races total so far, 2 with age group medals. Triathlon is a fun, fun sport. Next year: half iron? We'll see. First I gotta get a non-hybrid bike!

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